Voters Weigh In: Why Some Support Harris, Others Trump, and Many Are Still Undecided

A Look At Key Issues Shaping the 2024 Presidential Election

Topic: Politics

by MPeriod

Posted 1 month ago

In a small-town café, local residents Sarah, Tom, Angela, Dave, Maria, John, Lisa, and Kevin gathered to discuss their thoughts on the upcoming presidential election. As they shared their viewpoints on why they support either Democrat Kamala Harris or Republican Donald Trump, or why some are still undecided, a number of key policy issues emerged, including the economy, healthcare, immigration, and leadership style.


One of the first issues brought up in the conversation was the economy. Tom, a small business owner, expressed his support for Trump, saying:
"Under Trump, the economy was booming before COVID hit, and he's done a lot to rebuild it since. I’m a small business owner, and the tax cuts and deregulation under Trump helped me expand."

Tom was likely referring to Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which reduced the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, making it more attractive for businesses to invest and expand. The economy saw strong growth in Trump's early years, with GDP growth averaging 2.5% in 2017 and 2018. Unemployment rates also dropped to 3.5% by 2019, the lowest in 50 years. However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 reversed some of this progress, leading to economic shutdowns and skyrocketing unemployment.

In contrast, Maria, who supports Harris, emphasized the need for fairness in the economy, saying:
"Harris is fighting for higher wages and paid family leave. As a working mom, I feel like she gets it in a way Trump doesn’t."

Kamala Harris, as Vice President under Biden, has supported measures such as the American Rescue Plan, which provided financial relief during the pandemic. The Biden-Harris administration also worked to raise the minimum wage for federal employees to $15/hour, though efforts to raise the national minimum wage have stalled. Under Biden, GDP growth rebounded to 5.7% in 2021, though inflation became a major concern, rising to 6.5% in 2021 and continuing into 2022 and 2023.


Healthcare was another central issue in the conversation. Sarah, a Harris supporter, focused on the importance of expanding access to affordable healthcare:
"My mom had a tough time dealing with medical bills last year, and Harris’s policies on healthcare really resonate with me. Expanding Medicare and lowering prescription drug costs is what we need right now."

Harris has long supported expanding access to healthcare through measures like a public option or expanding Medicare. During her time as vice president, she backed the Biden-Harris healthcare plan, which aims to expand the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and lower the cost of prescription drugs. The plan also focuses on expanding coverage to underserved communities, a continuation of the ACA introduced under President Obama.

Tom, however, countered this with his concerns about government intervention in healthcare:
"Trump just hasn’t delivered on healthcare, but I’m more worried that Harris would push for too much government control."

During Trump's presidency, efforts to repeal and replace the ACA failed in Congress, though he did make moves to reduce drug prices through executive orders and support short-term insurance plans that were less regulated than ACA plans. However, the lack of a comprehensive healthcare replacement left some voters dissatisfied with Trump’s performance in this area.


John, one of the undecided voters, mentioned his concerns about both candidates when it comes to immigration.
"I’m looking for someone who can secure the border but also treat people fairly. I’m not sure Trump or Harris have it right."

Trump’s immigration policies were focused on strict border control, including the construction of a border wall and policies like "Remain in Mexico," which required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their cases were processed. He also reduced legal immigration levels and implemented travel bans targeting several countries. Supporters believe these policies enhanced national security, while critics argue they were harsh and unwelcoming.

The Biden-Harris administration, on the other hand, took steps to reverse some of Trump’s more restrictive policies. For example, they ended the "Remain in Mexico" policy and worked to create more pathways for legal immigration. However, the issue of border control remains contentious, with record numbers of migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border during Biden’s first two years in office.

Climate Change

Lisa, another Harris supporter, brought up climate change as a major factor in her decision:
"Harris plans to tackle climate change with green energy initiatives that could create new jobs. Trump doesn’t even acknowledge it as a serious issue."

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the U.S. rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement and introduced the Inflation Reduction Act, which included historic investments in clean energy and climate action. The administration has set ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions by 50-52% by 2030, promote electric vehicles, and invest in renewable energy sources.

Trump, on the other hand, rolled back numerous environmental regulations during his presidency, arguing that they hindered economic growth. He withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement in 2017 and promoted the expansion of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, as a way to secure American energy independence.

Kevin, a Trump supporter, defended the focus on traditional energy sources:
"Trump focuses on oil and gas, which provide real jobs to people right here in the U.S. I work in construction, and I’ve seen the benefits of Trump’s policies on infrastructure and energy."

Leadership and Style

While policy positions are important, several of the participants discussed the candidates’ leadership styles. Angela, one of the undecided voters, voiced her frustration:
"I’m worried about Trump’s attitude—he’s so divisive. I’m looking for a candidate that can unite people, and I’m not sure either of them can do that."

Many voters, like Angela, feel conflicted about Trump’s combative style. Trump’s supporters often view him as a “disruptor” who challenges the political establishment, while critics argue that his approach creates division.

Dave, a Trump supporter, saw his leadership differently:
"Trump isn’t a politician—he’s a businessman, and that’s why I trust him more. He doesn’t care about being politically correct, and while some people don’t like his style, I think he’s exactly what we need."

Harris’s leadership style, meanwhile, is seen as more measured and policy-driven. Supporters like Maria appreciate Harris’s focus on issues like women’s rights and fairness in the workplace:
"I like that she stands up for women’s rights and fights for the middle class. She’s tough in a different way."

Harris has positioned herself as a champion of social justice, advocating for racial equality, gender equality, and economic fairness.

Summary of Common Viewpoints

  • Harris Supporters value her focus on expanding healthcare access, tackling climate change, and advocating for workers’ rights and social justice. They see her as a candidate with a long-term vision for fairness and equality, though some are concerned about how her policies might affect taxes and the economy in the short term.

  • Trump Supporters prioritize economic growth, energy independence, and strong immigration policies. They appreciate his business-minded leadership and see him as a disruptor who challenges the political establishment. Trump’s approach to deregulation and tax cuts is viewed positively, but his divisive style and environmental policies are points of contention.

  • Undecided Voters are split between concerns about the economy, healthcare, and immigration. Many feel that neither candidate fully addresses their concerns or demonstrates the ability to unite a divided country. They’re weighing Trump’s economic success against Harris’s focus on social issues, uncertain of which path will best address their needs moving forward.

This conversation reflects the complex array of issues at stake in the 2024 election, from economic growth and healthcare to immigration and climate change. Voters are weighing these issues carefully as they decide who should lead the country in the coming years.

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