Comparing Health Care Policies: Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump

Where Harris and Trump Stand On Health Care

Topic: Politics

by MPeriod

Posted 1 month ago

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, one of the key issues voters are focusing on is healthcare. Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump offer distinct visions for the future of U.S. healthcare, from approaches to abortion rights to handling the costs of prescription drugs. This blog post breaks down their healthcare policies and provides an easy-to-follow comparison on various aspects of the healthcare debate.

1. Abortion Rights

Kamala Harris:
  • Harris has been a staunch advocate for abortion rights throughout her career, making reproductive rights a central part of her campaign. As Vice President, she even visited a Planned Parenthood clinic and launched a nationwide "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms" tour.
  • She has pledged to sign a law codifying the right to abortion nationwide if Congress passes such legislation, restoring the protections offered by Roe v. Wade.
  • Harris has supported legislative actions to protect abortion access, including for travel, privacy, and emergencies, and continues to emphasize the importance of bodily autonomy and reproductive rights in her platform.
Donald Trump:
  • Trump has referred to himself as “the most pro-life president” in American history, having appointed three justices to the Supreme Court who helped overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • While Trump previously supported a 15-week national abortion ban, he has since shifted to a states’ rights approach, leaving the decision to individual states.
  • His administration implemented several policies restricting access to abortion, including blocking federal funding for clinics that provide abortion services.
Why It Matters: Polls show that 63% of Americans support abortion rights in most cases. With several states restricting access to abortion following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this issue has become a central topic in the 2024 election, impacting both female voters and reproductive health policy at large.

2. Health Care Reform

Kamala Harris:
  • Harris has consistently supported the Affordable Care Act (ACA), defending its constitutionality as California’s Attorney General and working to expand coverage through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
  • She has advocated for extending ACA subsidies beyond 2025 and expanding Medicaid in the 10 states that haven’t yet adopted the ACA Medicaid expansion.
  • While Harris once supported Medicare for All, she has since stepped back from that position, focusing instead on strengthening the ACA and expanding coverage through federal programs.
Donald Trump:
  • Trump’s efforts to repeal and replace the ACA were unsuccessful during his presidency, though his administration did eliminate the individual mandate penalty.
  • He continues to call for the ACA to be repealed or modified to be “cheaper and better,” though no specific alternative has been outlined in his 2024 campaign.
  • Trump has also proposed restructuring Medicaid through block grants or per capita caps, which would significantly reduce federal funding for the program.
Why It Matters: The ACA has been instrumental in expanding health coverage to millions of Americans. Trump’s approach could reduce the number of insured Americans, while Harris plans to build on the ACA and make healthcare more affordable and accessible, particularly for low-income families.

3. Prescription Drug Prices

Kamala Harris:
  • Harris supports allowing the government to negotiate prescription drug prices, which was introduced under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). She also favors expanding these cost protections to non-Medicare beneficiaries.
  • Under the Biden-Harris administration, insulin prices were capped at $35 for Medicare beneficiaries, and Harris aims to expand this to all Americans.
  • She has also called for increased competition in the pharmaceutical industry, targeting practices that block generics from entering the market.
Donald Trump:
  • As president, Trump proposed international reference pricing to align Medicare drug prices with those in other developed countries, though this was never implemented.
  • Trump signed the No Surprises Act, protecting patients from unexpected medical bills, including out-of-network charges, and issued executive orders allowing drug importation from Canada.
  • His 2024 campaign indicates plans to lower prescription drug costs through transparency and competition, but details remain limited.
Why It Matters: Rising drug prices have been a critical issue for many Americans. While both candidates have addressed the need for lower prices, Harris’s approach emphasizes government intervention and expanded consumer protections, while Trump leans on competition and market-driven solutions.

4. Maternal Health

Kamala Harris:
  • As a leading advocate for maternal health, Harris co-sponsored the “Momnibus” package, aimed at addressing maternal mortality and racial disparities in care.
  • Harris has prioritized expanding Medicaid’s postpartum coverage to 12 months and increasing access to behavioral health services for new mothers.
  • The Biden-Harris administration has also developed the Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, focusing on maternal mental health, workforce expansion, and health equity.
Donald Trump:
  • Trump signed the Preventing Maternal Death Act, which funded maternal mortality review committees to investigate causes and solutions for the U.S.’s high maternal mortality rate.
  • Trump’s broader health care policies, including attempts to roll back the ACA, could have negatively impacted maternal health, as the ACA covers maternity care as an essential benefit.
Why It Matters: The U.S. has one of the highest maternal mortality rates among developed nations, and addressing this crisis is crucial for public health. Harris’s policies focus on reducing racial disparities and increasing access to maternal care, while Trump’s actions were more focused on investigating the crisis without as much emphasis on expanding services.

5. Pandemic Response

Kamala Harris:
  • The Biden-Harris administration placed a strong emphasis on following public health guidance, with initiatives to improve access to vaccines and testing, and to bolster the public health workforce.
  • The administration established the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, signaling their commitment to long-term pandemic readiness.
  • Harris publicly supported mask-wearing, vaccines, and boosters, aiming to restore public trust in health institutions.
Donald Trump:
  • Trump is credited with overseeing Operation Warp Speed, which accelerated the development of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • However, his administration’s response to the pandemic was often criticized for downplaying the severity of the virus, inconsistent messaging, and delegating responsibility to states.
  • Trump has promised to eliminate any remaining COVID mandates if re-elected and has voiced skepticism over pandemic restrictions, including mask mandates and vaccine requirements.
Why It Matters: Public health preparedness is a key issue moving forward as the world deals with the aftermath of COVID-19. Harris’s focus is on expanding federal readiness, while Trump’s approach emphasizes individual freedom and reducing government intervention in health crises.

The differences between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on healthcare are stark. Harris seeks to build on the ACA, expand government intervention in health markets, and prioritize equity in healthcare, including a strong focus on reproductive rights, maternal health, and prescription drug costs. Trump, on the other hand, emphasizes deregulation, market-driven solutions, and states' rights, particularly regarding abortion and healthcare reform. Voters will have to weigh these contrasting approaches as they consider which candidate offers the best path forward for healthcare in the U.S.

Why It Matters:
Healthcare is a top issue for voters, with profound impacts on affordability, access, and public health outcomes. Whether Americans prioritize expanded government involvement or market-based solutions will play a critical role in shaping the future of the nation's healthcare system.

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